Adding color and depth to a shape using layer styles. Changing the fill color of a shape layer. About bitmap images and vector graphics.
Adding paragraph type from a sticky note. Making a clipping mask and applying a shadow. Using an alpha channel to create a shadow. Moving objects with the Content-Aware Move tool. Duplicating a layer and changing the blending mode. Moving and duplicating a selection simultaneously. Moving selected pixels with a keyboard shortcut. Repositioning a selection marquee while creating it. Repairing areas with the Clone Stamp tool. Straightening and cropping the image in Photoshop. Adjusting your process for different intended uses. Organizing an efficient sequence of tasks. Special notes about the Tools panel and options bar. Setting tool properties in the options bar. Selecting and using a tool from the Tools panel. Accessing the Lesson Files and Web Edition. Installing Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge. All buyers of the book get full access to the Web Edition: a Web-based version of the complete ebook enhanced with video and multiple-choice quizzes. The online companion files include all the necessary assets for readers to complete the projects featured in each chapter as well as ebook updates when Adobe releases relevant new features for Creative Cloud customers.
In addition to learning the essential elements of the Photoshop interface, this revised edition for the 2018 release covers features like search capabilities, Content-Aware Crop, Select and Mask, Face-Aware Liquify, designing with multiple artboards, creating and organizing enhanced brush presets, and much more! The 15 project-based lessons show key step-by-step techniques for working in Photoshop, including how to correct, enhance, and distort digital images, create image composites, and prepare images for print and the web. Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop choose Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2018 release) from Adobe Press.